Code of Ethics

Human Rights

  • We have no tolerance for any form of discrimination.
  • We do not tolerate child labor, slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor.
  • We respect the rights of our employees to unionize and collectively bargain.
  • We do not make donations to political parties, politicians, or political candidates. However, we respect and do not restrict the voluntary participation of our employees in lawful political activities.

Harassment and Violence Prevention

  • Words, behaviors, or actions that anger, scare, exploit, belittle, threaten, degrade, embarrass, discourage, are aggressive or offensive, are considered harassment.
  • Moritoys commits to providing a workplace where personal reputations are protected, and neither violence nor harassment are tolerated, and where there are no threatening or uncomfortable conditions.
  • Physical, verbal, sexual, or psychological harassment, bullying, abuse, and threats of any kind are not tolerated.
  • Unacceptable behaviors and defenses of those who exhibit them will be reviewed by the board of directors. If proven guilty of violations, their employment contracts will be terminated immediately.

Legal Compliance and Anti-Corruption

  • We act in accordance with universal legal rules and local laws and regulations in the countries we operate.
  • We do not use personal, commercial, financial, and/or similar confidential information related to our company, employees, or business partners for our benefit or third parties'. We use the information we acquire only for tasks within our job description.
  • We stand against all forms of bribery and corruption. We do not accept any bribes, regardless of the purpose.
  • We do not tolerate facilitation payments.
  • We ensure that gifts given and received from third parties are reasonable and rare, not in cash or similar forms.
  • We do not associate with individuals or organizations suspected of corruption or bribery or have a reputation for it. If a relationship exists, it is terminated as of the date of the allegation.

Healthy and Safe Work Environment

  • We commit to providing our colleagues with a healthy and safe working environment and to developing preventive measures against potential occupational diseases and injuries.
  • Our employees act in accordance with all legal regulations related to Occupational Health and Safety and report unsafe working conditions to the board member responsible for occupational health and safety, Özgür Sarıkaya.
  • We manage our operational activities based on continuous improvement.
  • We aim to enhance our Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) performance using the best available technologies.
  • We make the necessary effort to achieve zero-accident goals.

Supply Chain

  • We strive to establish business relations with parties that respect human rights, consider anti-bribery and corruption principles, and fulfill their legal obligations.
  • We keep our communication channels open with our stakeholders and always consider their complaints and suggestions.

Expressing Concerns

  • Complying with ethical standards and preventing contrary behaviors is the duty of all employees. Employees are responsible not only for their own behavior but also for the inappropriate behaviors of managers, colleagues, and associated third parties or companies.
  • In any doubt, witnessed inappropriate situations and actions should be immediately reported to board members Aslı Sepil or Özgür Sarıkaya via email.